Acrylic Containers Provide Unique Benefits Across a Variety of Industries

Regardless of your industry, if you work with packaging at all, you've probably used acrylic containers for your packaging needs. Acrylic is a thermoplastic that has been used commercially since the early 1930s. A variety of unique properties has kept acrylic containers popular over the decades and will certainly keep the versatile material in use for many more to come. If you've never used acrylic containers or you just aren't  sure whether your product uses acrylic packaging, here are a few reasons it's worthy of your consideration. 

The Better With Which to See Your Product

No special engineering is required to give acrylic its gorgeous translucence. You can create opaque acrylic containers but the material is clear in its most basic, untampered state. In fact, acrylic allows a transfer of light highly comparable to glass, earning it the popular nickname "plexiglass." Plexiglass is often used as a glass substitute because of its similar light transmission capabilities, its relative affordability and its durability when compared to the fragility of glass. Acrylic containers are perfect for preserving a product while also allowing for a full display of the product to potential customers. However, if a light-sensitive product is going to be stored in an acrylic container for a long period of time, an opaque variety is more suitable.This high quality translucence also finds acrylic heavily employed in the construction of display cases in retail settings. 

The Scratch Resistance of Acrylic Containers

Another reason acrylic containers are so ideal for displaying products is that the material is highly scratch resistant. It takes a bit more effort to scuff acrylic so you'll often find it used in applications where precision is expected against the elements (for example, lenses). You can find plastics that offer a higher degree of scratch resistance but they won't be able to match the gorgeous clarity so closely associated to acrylic. 

A Lightweight Solution

Weight is a huge factor to consider when strategizing economical logistics for your product. Acrylic is often considered an upgrade from glass in this regard because its a lighter material but still offers that breathtaking clarity. The lightweight benefits of acrylic containers can really come in handy when getting into shipping commodities.

Improving Durability in Acrylics

As we already mentioned briefly, a big selling point in using acrylic as a glass substitute focuses on the material's ability to take more of a beating. There are plenty of materials more rugged than acrylic but it's a material that can still hold its own, especially when compared to the fragility of glass. However, acrylic containers can also be engineered for improved ruggedness if you're looking for something with more durability.

Acrylic containers can come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes because the thermoplastic has properties that make it perfect for injection molding processes. However, when you're shopping for acrylic containers, the size and shape of the package will have already been determined. For your interest, the main points to consider will be the material's affordability, gorgeous translucence, and its lightness of weight. Do these sound like properties from which your product could benefit? A variety of products enjoy acrylic packaging throughout a number of industries. Today could be the day you go acrylic.